Jagath Hemantha

Attorney at Law
LLB. University of Colombo

Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths

Called to the Bar: 2002

Email: general@srilankalawyer.com


Attorney at Law
LLB. University of Colombo


Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths

Called to the Bar: 2002

Email: general@srilankalawyer.com

D. P. De Silva

Attorney at Law
LLB. University of Colombo

Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths

Called to the Bar: 2002

Email: general@srilankalawyer.com

W.K.L.W. Aberatne

Attorney at Law
LLB. University of Colombo


Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths

Called to the Bar: 2014

Email: general@srilankalawyer.com

LLB. University of Colombo

Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths

Called to the Bar: 2002




Attorney at Law
LLB. University of Colombo

LLM. (London)

Attorney at Law, Commissioner of Oaths

Trademark & Patent Agent

Called to the Bar: 2010

LLB. University of Colombo

Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths

Called to the Bar: 2014

Email: general@srilankalawyer.com

Sampath Perera

Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths

Called to the Bar: 2010

Email: general@srilankalawyer.com

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